Agile is a team game

Agile software development is a team sport. I see so many issues when working with software teams that I have also come across in a sports team context. Teams are collections of people and to get a collection of individuals motivated and organised to achieve a common goal is not easy. I am convinced there is much we can learn from the sporting arena to help us perform better as software teams. One example is the concept of Individual efficiency vs group efficiency. Individual v team efficiency A lot of what is important for the success of sports teams is also valuable for software teams. We create teams with a view to the Team achieving more together than the individuals would on their own or because the task/ deadline before us is unachievable without extra man power. Example : Amazing footballers like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Diego Maradona could not achieve anything on their own, they need to operate within a team structure...